
recording the stream, via brower addon or direct (like loom, or jam.dev) meanwhile playing the avatars voice script in the background.

usecase:  product videos / walkthroughs of SaaS Software - online / digital products.


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Malcom_P, 3 weeks ago
This would an amazing feature! This would open the door to the SaaS / Software / Online Market - because just Synthesia have this feature.

How it works:
If you record via a Browser Extension - the written script is playing in the background after a initial delay of 3 seconds and meanwhile the recording of the screen is running. This feature makes recordings of onboarding-topics, new feature announcements, walkthroughs and and and sooo much easier and even more faster - because you fest can write your script and record the video after - to match it directly with the written text.

Please implement this feature also as next you can! would be great and super beneficially for your customers!

Here you see a recorded video how its implemented in synthesia -> jam.dev/c/28847f0f-cb89-4422-a...
Casi M, 2 months ago
Yes give me this, give me all that :)
MickA, 3 months ago
Yes, Synthesia or jam.dev interface for using screenrecording would be perfect!
PeterMcHumor, 3 months ago
I can recommand the interface and the feature of synthesia in this case. You can match record the screen during play your script - and edit it after to make sure it fits perfect. super easy to use.
Jin_fox@ji5.de, 3 months ago
+ 45
In Review
Feature Request
3 months ago, simonhcd